Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Requiem of a Memory

Bowing to popular demand, I've decided to post another of my literary works. 
I signed up for this 'certificate' course last sem. On embedded systems or something. Suffice it to say that the class was so interesting that I found myself writing poems during it. I have maybe 3 or 4, and the popular demandee(my best friend Spike) telle me to upload one a week. I know mentioning his name is totally redundant, but he practically begged me to. Well he didn't actually, but its more fun this way. So anyways, the poem...

Requiem of a Memory

The day passes, the light dims
Memories once diamond bright
Rust as they recede to the dark
To return to sanity, I must fight.

Memories once fond, once cherished
Turn to ash as the clock turns.
Hours and hours of my history collapse,
My past life, slowly it burns.

At their birth, when they arose,
Took my higher deeper stronger.
Now, crippled by emotion,
Every day, to return, takes longer.

Memory! Why torment me now?
Why bring back pale shades of the past?
Again and once again in plunge,
Into sorrow, head first, feet last.

As I treead this lonely road,
Struggle do I against the burden I carry,
A life of hate and worry,
I hastern, I must not tarry.

But as I trek up the peak of my past,
Laughter, life flashes in a moment.
Times when joy in me heart I felt,
Perhaps life is not just torment.

But like light cannot exist without dark,
So too must joy and sorrow remain,
Bound together, forever alternate,
Gives life to this requiem, this refrain.

One's history is one's own unquestionable,
But why one oneself causes pain?
This query resounds in my every breath,
I wonder, Why this heavy chain?

As one day turns to the next,
In my life and in my past,
I come to see there is just cause,
To laugh, to cry, at last.

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