Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Angel

My voice dies.
When I needed it the most, it failed me.
My soul failed to move that which was before me.
My words failed to matter to the one I needed them to matter to.
And now, echoes in my empty heart.
Echoes are all I have of your vibrant symphony.
Your song moved me, made me greater, lifted me up.
Without your song, I am merely a man. No longer great.
Greatness in me came from trying to catch your angel wings.
From standing on my roof, on the edge of my roof,
Staring down, and then looking up at you, floating above the world, my angel.
And your voice gave me the courage to step off.
Your face gave me the power to fly towards you.
Now your voice has died, and your face is hidden.
I fall to the ground, my wings broken.
My words. That which I hold Dearest to me, my Dearest.
My words that have never abandoned me, my voice.
Lies forgotten, or maybe even dead. I cannot find it anymore.
I said that which needed to be said to you. And my heart beated stronger for it.
Till it shattered like a broken dream. It is a broken dream.
A dream that can never be, one that shall forever float over me.
Beckoning me, with its smile and its warmth.
But my wings are broken, as is my voice, as is my soul.
My angel has left. All I can do is stare at the night sky,
Wondering if I could have said something, anything,
Whether I can still say something, anything, to bring her back,
But inside I know, she's gone. And acceptance is hard.
My voice was for her, my words were for her, and yet they failed.
And I cannot bring myself to hope they will never again.

This one is for you.

1 comment:

  1. I know who is being targeted!! :P
    It was touching though.
