Friday, March 20, 2009


Ah... Time to post again... actually not since I have exams right now, but then again exams may come and exams may go, but the blog goes on forever eh? Well thats the idea atleast... my mom might not be too happy though...
I recently learnt something pretty interesting about mosquitoes. They seem to have a rite of passage. It goes something like- suck blood from the biggest thing in the room. The flirtation with death for them seems almost exhilarating. I mean if you really think about it, you have to give the humble mosquito its due. Everytime its hungry, it has to put its life on the line. Imagine having to hunt a tiger for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That should put things into perspective.
Have you ever really considered the concept that humans are the highest form of life? I mean if you look at the apparent evidence, then I guess you could say we are, because in the grand scale of things, there is no other speccies who can boast of the level of dominion we have over the world. (Except maybe cockroaches. If you're afraid of bugs then pray that you don't survive a nuclear holocaust. All you're going to have for company will be those yucky little things)
Anyway, getting back to the highest form of life train of thought, it seems a given doesn't it? Even our religious books say that only after doing good deeds several times in previous lives does a soul gain shape as a human. Well here's where I disagree. I feel that a stone is luckier that a human. The reason being that a stone has no choice in what it can do. A stone can only exist. And its purpose is to just exist. It has no ambitions, no aspirations, no dissappointments, nothing to stop it from acheiveing its purpose of just being. Take a look at us though. From the day we're born, to the day we die, we face troubles, hardships, and worst of all- choices. You might disagree with me and feel that it is the power of choice that makes man who he is, and that a life without choice is an utterly pointless one, but what is the ultimate aim of life? Is it to be happy? Is it to have lots of money? Is there even an ultimate aim at all? Going by any of these assumptions, you have to concede that a life without choices would make it easier. There is no 'wrong' decision. All the ones are 'right'. And no matter what you do, you have the sense of satisfaction that you will accomplish your goal in life, to live.
I know I'm not making myself all that clear, so let me try again. A life with choices is one that has a much higher probability of having suffering one time or the other than a life without choices. And here I don't mean a situation where the lack of choice is forced upon you, but rather where the lack of choice is universal. The very concept of choice is to give man a sense that he has control over his life. And to be fair it does. I choose to write this blog. You choose to read it. But if you really think about it, aren't the really important decisions in life already made for you?
I leave you with that thought.


  1. mano!!awesome stuff,guy,the song you changed a lil bit..atleast the people reading the blog will not have ta listen ta yu sing;}

  2. my understanding of life...
    i had this thought a long time ago...what is the purpose of life.the entire cycle of this life what does it mean..i mean we are born, we grow up studying,learning , memorising stuff which probably is absolutely unessential in life.however, we still do it just to have a peaceful monied life in future..then we get in to our jobs..businesses etc etc..we slog ourselves through day and night again for the same happiness which we had yearned for ourselves and our family when we were studying .. then we go on like this for say another 30 years ..finally we retire and again after say 15-20years we ulimatey we never seem to be happy and yet we live. just for the sake that we were born..this made me ask myself this very obvious question..why am i doing all this.i got the answer a few weeks ago.i realised that how lucky i am to be a human being.. i am one, of a specie who has a mind which can do wonders to this world...and i am not the only the one ..there are more than 6 billion more people like me throughout the world with this potential to change this finally i concluded that we are born not make ourselves happy throughout our life. but the purpose of our life is much bigger than only momentary happiness... which is improvement of the life every living being is living..whatever profession we choose is ultimately giving us an oppurtunity to contribute something to this world and that is not limited to being just a scientist.. i must say a cobbler is also contributing if not a great deal to this world.. the world grows together.. each one of us are supporting each other with the sole aim of making this place(world)a better place to live and this effort will continue as along as our race exists.
