Monday, March 16, 2009

Selfish Society

The concept of the selfish society is one thats been in my head for a really long time now. I've written it down, but never really had a platform to get my thoughts across. Not that I have this blog, I figured I might as well use it as my own kind of creativity place. The place where I can write what I want, when I want, and how I want... So here goes...
The world does not turn for any one man, nor does the universe ever make life easier for you, no matter how much you want it. In a very real sense, humans are worse than rats in a maze. Atleast the rats get something worthwhile out of the whole maze-solving. What does man get? A life of worries and burdens that only get heavier till the day we finally give up on life. That is the real reason for pain and suffering. The tendancy of man to just give up. People boast about how they endure pain, and how it makes them stronger, but the truth is that they are too weak to do anything about it. Noone would experience pain, unless they had to. All the thoughts of final success serve to breathe 'life' into the illusion that men call life. Why is it even called that? Life means to live, to break free, to do what one wants and ultimately, to be happy. Noone can do any of those things. People have to go to the extent of defying death itself just to feel alive. Hence the craze for adventure sports.
Society is so structured that noone ever really gets what they want. There is always something better, someone higher. The very nature of society is to promote competition rather than promote unity. Satisfaction is simply unattainable. The guise of satisfaction that people claim, is merely the result of reaching a point where they cant go any higher. They have reached as high as they can, and have to settle for it. Of course they want more, but they cant have anymore. In one sentence, the point of life is to crawl until the slope becomes too steep for you to crawl up anymore. Sure puts 'life' into perspective.
There is no point in trying to be who you think society wants you to be, because society doesn't care. It doesnt care unless you pose a threat to its core aim, unless you directly attack its very heart, unless you become happy. The second you try to 'live', try to break free, jealous hands pull you down from all directions. Their logic very simple. If I can't have it, I won't let you either. And the cycle continues. 
Society has permeated mans being to such an extent that we compete even with ourselves. At a time, when your heart says to let go, your ego tells you, if you do, society will brand you a coward. And as we live for the society,, we ineveitably supress our heart and give in to the ego.  The concept of 'society' has so radically altered the way we 'live' that we are all afraid to be who we are, too afraid to react the way we want to, simply because 'socity' would label us freaks, and ostracize us. Man made society. Now society makes and breaks the man. The lack of life is death. Reminds me of life.
"To be or not to be"- Hamlet 

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