Sunday, March 15, 2009


I don't know the ettiquete regarding how many posts a day are socially acceptable, but since this is my blog, I figure I can post as many times as I like. COme to think about it, I don;t know the spelling of ettiquete either. Maybe I got it right... french words have that funny habit of soundin absolutly nothing like they're spelt. take bourgeious for example(I think I spelt that right!!). It means 'middle class'. Guess how its pronounced... come on... look at the g and the r... the umpteen vowels... nope you're wrong. The pronounciations actually 'booshwa'. Yup... weird eh?
Another thing I've never realy come to terms with is sms lingo. I mean, I use it all the time, and I would consider myself decent at it, but evertime I see 'wru?' I instantly get this mental image of ancient african people in their loincloths with their spears in like 10000BC, hunting a huge elephant, going -WRU WRU to each other. It seems to fit you know? Like a kind of pumping up chant.. try it... WRU WRU WRU WRU.. It means 'where are you' by the way.
I get the necessity of it. In India, most service providers give you 160 charectars per sms. Meaning you really do have to come up with short forms, like droppin the last letter off words, writin numbers 4 words, that sorta thing, but when it makes the message unreadable, it kinda defeats the purpose don't it?? ArGHHHH the bad grammers gettin 2 me.. OOPS!!
But the one thingI absoutely cannot stand is... drumroll please....'k'. I mean, how busy do you have to be to reply to an sms in 1 letter?! The word okay just 4 letters long. That got cut down to 2, and now to 1. Its annoying to be honest. Theres nothing that kills your mood faster than to be smsing someone close to you, and getting 'k' in reply. It sends the image that the other guy/gal is doing it outta pity you know? This post is gonna be full of sms lingo I guess.... Gotten into da habit... lol('laugh out loud')
That completes my monologue on sms lingo. I initially had plans of writing something completely different, but as I've been answering messages as I type this, I got side tracked...
So, till next time... cya l8r....

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