Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fantasy begins....

Well now that the formalities of the 'inaugural' post is done, I can actually start writing about some proper stuff... what to begin with?
I'm currently in the middle of book 7 of the 'Wheel of Time' by Robert Jordan. Its torture on the eyes with the small print, but the story makes up for it. I really don't wanna write for close to 7 hours straight, because thats how long it'll take to do justice to the story so far, so I'm gonna stop at sayin that its an absolute must-read. Especially if  you're a fantasy nut. The sad thing is that not many people I know have actually read it. They think fantasy, and they stop at Harry Potter, somethin IMO that is definately NOT fantasy. I mean, the book is very well written. but fantasy it is not. Nowadays though people are/were bitten by saphira, the blue dragon in Eragon. I liked the first book, suffered through the second, and positively slogged through the third. It started off really well, but Mr paulini lost his way somewhat I feel. The Lord of the Rings. How could I not mention that one. Try the book. The movie is amazing, but honestly can't do justice to the book. Don't believe me? Think I'm exaggerating? Read it. Itsw not for the faint-hearted though. It'll take a while to get going, and even longer to finish, but after that, you know what fantasy truly is. Harry Potter, eat your heart out....
Later posts  will have in-depth critiques of lots of fantasy books, since thats pretty much how I spend most of my time. But before I end, to rip off a very famous line, this is 
'One blog to rule them all!!!'

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